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Folder Sharing Security

Folder Security Feature

The regular sharing feature allows users to share folders in a way that unauthorized users cannot access the data or see the material.

Folder Security Points:

  1. Visibility Types: When a user shares a folder with another user, the recipient will see the folder according to the designated visibility type. We have three types of visibility: public, internal, and private.

  2. Role of Visibility Types: These visibility types play a crucial role in the folder security feature. The visibility settings determine whether the folder will be displayed on the recipient’s side based on their access permissions, whether internal or external.

  3. Receiver’s User Type: Before sharing a folder, the user should be aware of the recipient’s user type to ensure proper visibility and security settings are applied.

Explanation of Visibility Types:

  • Private: If a user shares a folder/file with private visibility, it remains hidden on the recipient’s side. This scenario can be used when the user wants to keep some files hidden while keeping the folder itself visible on the recipient’s side.

  • Internal: If a user sets the sharing type to internal, the shared folder is visible only to users with internal access. Recipients without internal access cannot see or access the folder/files.

  • Public: This option allows the user to keep the shared folder visible on the recipient’s side without any restrictions.

Image here: just show the three visibility types by clicking on dorpdown.

Visibility application options: