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Create Group

The annotation group allows users to store texts in individual groups, enhancing clarity when adding annotations from multiple dashboards or reports, or for ad hoc reports. By using these groups, users can control the visibility of annotations and set active times for them within the application.

Creating annotation group

Click on the Create Group icon from the top-left corner of the screen. This will open the following dialog box:-


Fill in the required fields in the Create Annotation

  • Group Name:- Group Name must be Unique (required field)
  • Start Date:- Start date for your group Annotation (required field)
  • End Date- End date for your group Annotation (required field)
  • Short description: The short description text.

Visiblity type

Select Visibility type from the drop-down list i.e. Private, Public or Internal (selecting Private will restrict the visibility to the file owner only, Internal will make the file available to the Internal users only, and selecting Public will extend file visibility to the end users as well.)

Short Description

Detail description which will be sent to the consumers like a text. user can also add the image or helpful links.

Finally, click on below button to create a new Annotation Group. Image

All the groups user creates will be available under the Annotations as shown in the image below, the below example has three groups (Note: Groups can be identified by icon)

In case of any further help, the user can click on below icon to access the AIVHUB help documents. Image

If the user is not satisfied and wants to cancel the create request, he can do this by clicking on the cancel button next to submit or by clicking on Image button next to the Image icon.

In this manner, you can create a new Annotations group in the AIVHUB application.

More features of AIV as follows:

Create Annotation
Create item
Edit Annotation
Copy Annotation
Rename Annotation
Delete Annotation