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Line/Area Chart

Create Line/Area Chart: This video contains how to create Line/Area Chart in AIV.

Steps to create Line/Area chart in dashboard:

  1. Click on the Charts icon from the Left-vertical menu, as shown in the figure below: Image

  2. The Line/Area chart edit menu appears as show below: Image

  3. The chart: Column and chart type: Clustered selected by default. Image

  4. Insert the data to add the column chart as shown in below figure:

  • Datasets: Product.ds
  • Category Axis: productLine
  • Value Column: quantityInStock
  • Aggregation: Sum Image
  1. Click on the Publish Button to complete the exercise.

  2. The output of the Column chart below: Image

In order to understand in detail about Line/Area Chart, click on the following links:-

Create Stacked Line/Area Chart