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Formatting Properties

The Formatting properties are used to control and apply all the information appearance in Funnel Chart through the categories of General, Series, Legend properties.

General Properties

The General settings used to add Color and Theme changes as user required, Chart title, Chart information tooltip settings are used to control by the general.

General - Dynamic Dataset Color

For more information on Dynamic Dataset Color click here

General - Color and Theme

For more information on Color and Theme Property click here

General - Include Null Value

For more information on Include Null Value click here

General - Global Thousand and Decimal Separator

For more information on Global Thousand and Decimal Separator click here

General - Chart Title

For more information on Chart Title click here

General - Chart Tooltip

For more information on Chart Tooltip click here

Series Properties

Series Properties are used to apply the pie chart series settings like slice appearance, tick’s appearance, labels, grouping of series, customized tooltips, dynamic labels.

Series - General Properties

For more information on Chart Title click here

Series - Legend Shape

For more information on Legend Shape click here

Series - General

The Funnel chart is shaped as funnel, the funnel looks where the upper side is wide and open and the button area is shrinked then the upper side of the chart, the funnel can be work as uniue chart. The series general properties also contains the functions like,

  • Neck Width: Allows user to edit the width of Neck.
  • Neck Height: Allows user to add the required height on neck of chart.
  • Gap Ratio in (0.00):

Series - Slice

For more information on Legend Shape click here

Series - Series Ticks

For more information on Dynamic Dataset Color click here

Series - Series Labels

For more information on Dynamic Dataset Color click here

Series - Group

For more information on Dynamic Dataset Color click here

Series - Series Tooltip

For more information on Cursor Tooltip properties click here


Legend properties are used to add legends to the pie chart and apply user required appearance settings to legends.

Legend Properties

For more information on Legend Properties click here

Legend Alignment Properties

For more information on Legend Alignment Properties click here

Legend Inherit Property from Series

For more information on Legend Inherit Property from Series click here

Legend Font Properties

For more information on Legend Font Properties click here

Legend Background

For more information on Legend Background click here

Legend Markers

For more information on Legend Markers click here