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Value Properties

Value Axis Property: This video contains how to use Value Axis Properties of Chart in AIV.

  • Category Font Property: used to make changes in the value axis data.
  1. Go to Edit Menu > Formatting tab > Value Axis > Value Properties.

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  1. Logarithmic: user can enable this when user wants the value axis data to be in logarithmic format.

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  1. Category Type: This dropdown contains Value Axis & Duration Axis.

  2. Value Axis: by selecting this option user can see their value format. (Value Axis is selected as default)

  3. Grid Type: There is 2 option in this dropdown: Circles & Polygons. User can select any of this as required.

  4. Duration Axis: by selecting this option user can see their data in duration format.

  5. When user selects Duration Axis other option appears as shown in the image below:

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  1. Base Unit: This function has 3 option in dropdown: Second, Minute & Hour. User can select that option as they decide that they want data in which format.

  2. When user enables Duration Format option, new box will appear as shown:

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  1. Axis Label Format: User can set this format as required.

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Value Axis Font Property
Min & Max Value Property
Value Axis Labels
Value Axis Line
Value Axis Ticks
Value Grid