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Value Ticks

Value Axis Ticks: This video contains how to use Value Axis Ticks of Chart in AIV.

  1. Value Ticks: used to show the ticks on the radar chart.

  2. Go to Edit Menu > Formatting tab > Value Axis > Value Ticks

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  1. Value Ticks are enable as default.

  2. Length: by using this option user can set the length of Ticks on Value Axis.

  3. Border Width: by using this user can make the changes on the width of Value Ticks.

  4. Border Color: used to set the color of value ticks. User can select any color from the color palette.

  5. Border Opacity: user can set the visibility of the value ticks.

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Value Axis Font Property
Min & MAx Value Property
Value Axis Labels
Value Axis Property
Value Axis Line
Value Grid