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Layer change Event

Layer change Event: This video contains how to shift from one layer to another using custom visualization..

  1. Create dashboard.
  2. After creating dashboard, create multiple layers from Top-left corner, click on Add New Layer button, as shown in figure below:

document widget

Note: If you’re not able to see the layer button from top-right corner then disable the Hide Layers Checkbox, for that go to Dashboard Settings & open Hide Layers and Tabs as follows:

document widget

  1. Go to layer 1 & Click on Custom visualization widget icon from the left Vertical Menu bar, as shown in figure below:

document widget

  1. Go to HTML tab of the custom visualization widget to apply the layer-change-event code, as shown below:

document widget

  1. Create buttons for multiple layers, as shown in figure below.

document widget

document widget

  1. Now apply code for Layer-change below the buttons using function, as shown in figure below:

document widget

Example Code:

function myFunction1(){
var tab = new CustomEvent("aiv-change-layer", {
"detail": 'layer1'
  1. Now click on Save and exit button and go to preview screen to see the output, as shown in figure below:

document widget

  1. Click on Layer2 button, it will reach to the Layer 2 in dashboard.

document widget

Example Code:

<button onclick="myFunction1()">
<button onclick="myFunction2()">
<button onclick="myFunction3()">
function myFunction1(){
var tab = new CustomEvent("aiv-change-layer", {
"detail": 'layer1'
function myFunction2(){
var tab = new CustomEvent("aiv-change-layer", {
"detail": 'layer2'
function myFunction3(){
var tab = new CustomEvent("aiv-change-layer", {
"detail": 'layer3'