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Custom Column Micro Chart

The micro charts allow users to add small charts to the columns of a table. This feature provides trend indicators directly within the table columns.

This video contains how to use Custom column using microcharts in AIV.

Custom Column Micro Chart:

  1. Customize the columns with Micro Charts:

    • Click on the “Custom Columns” button, as shown below. Image

    • Click on the Micro Charts tab and then click on the “Add” button to add information about Micro Charts. Image

    • Enter the following information:

      • Name: sales
      • Display Name: sales
      • Chart dropdown: Select Pie chart
      • Column Field dropdown: Select quantityOrdered, priceEach columns
      • Adjust the column positions using the arrow icons in the list view. Image
  2. Save and preview the custom column:

    • Click on the Save button, then click on the Add button to add the custom column to the table widget.
    • Drag and drop the custom column to the top of the list if needed.
    • Click on the Save and Exit button from the table widget, then go to the publish button. The custom column will indicate the Micro Charts (pie chart).


Create Table
Advance Tab
Formatting Tab
Theme Tab
Event Tab
Annotation Tab
Widget Setting Tab

✒️ To know more about advance feature of Table Widget click on below links:-

Custom Column Table Hyperlink
Custom Column Table Widget Icon
Custom Column MicroChart
Custom Column Table Widget
Skip Widget Event Filtering