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AIV Buddy Configuration

The AIV Dashboard leverages advanced AI capabilities through a suite of intelligent assistants (AI Buddies) designed to simplify your data analysis and visualization tasks. This guide will take you step-by-step through the configuration process, ensuring you can fully harness the power of the AI-driven tools.

The AIV Dashboard offers four intelligent AI Buddies to enhance your data analysis and visualization experience: AIV Visualization Buddy AIV Custom Visualization Buddy AIV Global Filter Buddy AIV SQL Buddy


Required Credentials

Before setting up AI Buddies for optimal performance, ensure you have the following credentials prepared:

Kernel IP: The IP address (and port) of the server or system (referred to as the “kernel”) where the AI model or service is hosted. It is used to establish communication between the AI system and the application requesting AI services. An example Kernel IP could be, where is the server’s IP address and 5000 is the port through which the server communicates with the AI system.

AI Token: Tokens are units of text processed by the model. For example, a token limit might be 1500 or 2000 tokens, encompassing both input and output text.

AI Engine: Specific AI model or engine configuration for processing requests. For example, gpt-3.5-turbo or Claude-Sonnet-3.5.

AI Key: A unique API key provided by AI that authenticates and authorizes access to their AI services. This key is required to integrate and interact with AI’s models. Example: sk-**********************************

To enable and configure these AI Buddies, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Administration tab and click on AIV Configuration. This will redirect you to the AIV configuration page.


  2. On the AIV Configuration page, click on General Configurations and check the General Configurations checkbox as shown below:


  3. In the General Configuration section, ensure that the following fields are filled out:

  • Kernel IP: Enter the Kernel API endpoint URL.

  • Open AI Key: Input your Open AI API key.

  • Open AI Token: Enter the token limit value.

  • Open AI Engine: Specify the Open AI engine to be used (e.g., gpt-3.5-turbo, gpt-4, etc.).


  1. After filling in the fields, click on the Submit button. A confirmation message, Properties Update Successfully, will appear to indicate that the configuration has been saved.


By completing these steps, your AI Buddies will be ready for use, enhancing your dashboard experience with advanced AI-driven capabilities.

Important Note

After updating the AI configuration in the AIV Configuration section, you must log out and log back in to activate the changes.