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AIV Custom Visualization Buddy

AIV Custom Visualization Buddy allows users to enhance their AIV dashboards with custom visualizations by generating HTML, JavaScript, and CSS code based on natural language prompts. This feature enables extensive customization for charts, maps, tables, and more, with the added ability to refine or adjust visualizations based on previous responses.

Key Features

  • Automatic Code Generation: Describe the visualization needs in plain English, and AIV Custom Visualization Buddy will automatically generate the required HTML, JavaScript, or CSS code.

  • Custom Visualization Options: Create and integrate unique visualizations, including charts, maps, and tables, or design custom dashboard components.

  • Enhanced Dashboard Functionality: Customize the dashboard with code to meet specific visual and functional requirements.

  • Query History: Maintain a history of prompts and generated code to review and build upon previous customizations. Additionally, options are available to rename or delete entries in the query history to better manage and organize the workflow.

  • Refinement of Previous Response: Modify specific aspects of visualizations, such as changing the color of a particular bar in a chart, based on previously generated code.


    • Initial User Prompt: Generate a D3 bar chart showing the top 2 products by order volume.
    • Refinement User Prompt: Change the color of the bar for ‘Product A’ to red.
  • Initiate New Chat: Start a new session or create a completely new visualization without reference to previous queries. This feature clears the current context and allows for a fresh prompt and response.


    1. Step 1: Click “Initiate New Chat.”
    2. Step 2: Input a new prompt, and AIV Custom Visualization Buddy will treat it as a new request.
  • Speech to Text: Users can convert spoken language into queries. Simply speak the desired query, and AIV Custom Visualization Buddy will transcribe the speech into text and generate the corresponding visualization code. This feature provides a hands-free way to create visualizations and enhances accessibility.

Steps to Add the Custom Visualization Buddy

  1. Open the Custom Visualization Widget:

    • Click on the Custom visualization widget from the left vertical menu, as shown in the figure below. Image
  2. Select the Dataset:

    • In the Custom visualization widget, click on the dataset dropdown and select the required dataset.
  3. Add the Prompt:

    • Enter the prompt in the chat, as shown in the figure below:
      • Dataset: Orderdetails.ds
      • Prompt: Generate a pie chart to display the top 3 products.


  1. Apply the Prompt:
    • Click on the prompt input button to apply the prompt in the custom visualization widget, as shown in the figure below.


  1. Refine the Chart:
    • Users can refine the chart by adding more prompts. For example: “Change the color of plot area of S12_4675 to red.” Check the image below for visual guidance.
