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Formatting-General Column/Bar Chart

Create Column/Bar Chart: This video contains how to format Column/Bar Chart in AIV.

This versatile application allows users to easily customize charts. Users can adjust dataset colors, select themes, handle negative values, sort charts, and personalize titles. They can also modify scrollbar settings, background areas, tooltips, and create back-to-back charts for comprehensive data visualization.

The General Properties are as follows:

General - Dynamic Dataset Color

Overview: This feature lets you pick colors based on your dataset’s values. Simply choose the color you want by selecting the corresponding value from the dataset column.

Description: Here the user required to select the column value to apply colors on the chart.

Output: Image

General - Color and Theme Property

Overview: Users select colors and themes for charts by category, globally, or for specific groups, enhancing customization and visual appeal effortlessly.

Description: Users can easily add colors and predefined themes to their charts. They can apply these selections by category, globally, or opt for grouping-wise application for greater customization.

  • Theme: Choose from a list of pre-made themes to apply to your chart.
  • Color by Category: Toggle to apply colors based on different categories.
  • Optional Grouping Color: Apply colors to grouped values as desired.
  • Match Global Color: Easily match colors globally with a simple toggle.
  • Color List: Customize chart colors with your preferred combinations.

Output: Image

General - Include Null Value

Overview: This feature allows for the inclusion of null values on the chart, ensuring comprehensive data representation. Users can visualize data gaps seamlessly, facilitating accurate analysis and decision-making within the chart.

Description: By toggling the button, users can view null values on the chart. This feature enhances data visibility, enabling thorough analysis and insights within the chart. software.

Output: Image

General - Negative Property

Overview: Users can visualize values below zero on charts by utilizing the negative property. This feature enables the inclusion and visualization of data below zero, enhancing chart comprehensiveness.

Description: To visualize negative values on the chart, users can input values as negatives. Enable the toggle button to active the function for overall widget.

Output: Image

General - Global Thousand and Decimal Separator

Overview: Adding decimal and thousand separators enhances the clarity and meaning of numerical values, making them easier to interpret and understand at a glance.


  • Decimal Separator: Decimal Separator works globally when number formatting is active for value axis.
  • Thousand Separator: Thousand Separator for values and you can change thousand separator as well. Enable the toggle button to add this property.

Output: Image

General - Chart Sorting Based on Value

Overview: Sorting functionality enables users to arrange chart values in ascending or descending order.

Description: This property only works when Optional Category Grouping is none and its sort dimension of chart as per there value.

Output: Image

General - Series Total Properties (Optionsl Y)

Overview: The series total feature displays the total value of specific columns on top of the bars in stacked charts.

Description: To make it work on chart, user should be using the stackchart with Optional y grouping then enable the property by clicking on the toggle button.

Output: Image

General - Chart Title

Overview: User can add the required title on the chart by using the chart title.

Description: The chart title properties are as follows:

  • Text: Enable the chart title and add text in the textbox.
  • Font size: Input font size as a number.
  • Font weight: Choose font weight from the list.
  • Color: Set the text color with a color code.
  • Align: Align text left, center, or right as needed.
  • Background: Specify background color with a color code.
  • Background Opacity: Adjust opacity for title text visibility.

Output: Image

General - Chart Cursor

Overview: The cursor line on the chart allows user to locate the cursor position on the chart, by using the cursor properties user can add the cursor line width.

Description: To make the cursor line visible on the chart, the user need to enable the Line X and Line Y to make it visible on the X-Axis and Y-Axis of the chart.

Output: Image

General - Chart Scrollbar

Overview: Chart scrollbars enable users to zoom in and out of the chart and navigate horizontally (X-axis) and vertically (Y-axis) for enhanced data exploration.

Description: To enable the scrollbar user need to select the scroll bar from the dropdown of Category and Value Scrollbar.

Output: Image

General - Chart Background Area

Overview: The background allows user to add the background color on the whole chart, by adding the color code user can add the required colors.

Description: The colors can be added by selecting the colors or by adding the color codes. user can add the required opacity by slider control.

Output: Image

General - Chart Tooltip

Overview: Tooltips allow users to view additional information when hovering over chart elements.

Description: Enable tooltips by toggling the button. Customize tooltip information by modifying the syntax, providing flexibility in displaying data.

Output: Image

General - Back to Back Chart

Overview: Back-to-back charting allows users to compare bars positioned one after another. Enable by toggling the button to display bars behind each other. Available when using column or bar charts with multiple series and no stacking.

Description: Works on when column or bar chart is not stacked and have more then 1 series.

Output: Image

General Properties
Category Axis Properties
Value Axis Properties
Series Properties
Legend Properties
Trend Line

Create Column/Bar Chart