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X-Axis Alignment


This function in AIV6 is used to make changes in the alignment of the category labels. Users can select Hide, Trim, Wrap, MultipleRows, Rotate45, or Rotate90 any of the options as per requirements.

X-Axis Alignment:

This video contains how to use X-axis alignment in AIV.

Follow the steps to apply the X-Axis alignment:

  1. The edit menu box appears when you click on the chart icon.

  2. The edit menu will open as shown below:

  3. After that enter details in edit menu as given below:

  • Dataset: Sales.ds
  • Category Axis: country
  • Value Column: extendedPrice
  • Aggregation: Sum Image
  1. Click on Publish button, after that widget looks like below: Image

  2. Resize it and after that, Click on the Edit option from the top right corner of the widget.

  3. Then go to Formatting tab —> Category Axis —> Category Labels. Image

  4. After that select Rotate90 from the dropdown of the Alignment option & your widget will look as per below: Image

  5. Next, select Multiple Rows in Alignment option & your widget will look as per below: Image

  6. Next, select Wrap in Alignment option & your widget will look as per below: Image

  7. Next, select Trim in Alignment option & your widget will look as per below: Image

  8. Next, select Hide in Alignment option & your widget will look as per below: Image

  9. After that select None in Alignment and write 40 in Rotation option & your widget will look as per below: Image

  10. After that Enable Truncate option & your widget will look as per below: Image

  11. Click on Publish button and resize the widget.

  12. Adjust the widget & it will look as per the image below: Image

  13. After that again go to Formatting tab —> Category Axis —> Category Labels.

  14. Then go to the Label Placement option & select on Ticks from the dropdown. Image

  15. After that disable the Truncate option and select Rotate45 in the Alignment option. Image

  16. After that click on Publish button & click on the Preview icon from top right corner of the dashboard. Image