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Hierarchy Chart


This function enables the user to create a dynamic view of the data, as the user will drill in each level a new information will be displayed in a different view on clicking on a data point.

This video contains how to add hierarchy for chart in AIV.

Follow the Steps to Line-Area Chart:

  1. Create the Chart:

    • Click on the chart icon in the widget panel to open the edit box.
    • Select a chart pattern (e.g., column chart).


    • Dataset: Sales.DS
    • Category Axis: country
    • Value Axis: Quantityordered

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  1. Add Hierarchy: Click on the hierarchy tab to see the options. dashboard -icon 1

  2. Name the Hierarchy:

    • Provide a suitable name for the hierarchy.
    • Drag and drop data columns in the desired order.

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  1. Add Hierarchy: Click on the Add Hierarchy button at the bottom.

  2. Confirm Hierarchy: The data columns will appear under Existing Hierarchies. dashboard -icon 1

  3. Update Chart:

    • Go back to the chart tab.
    • Select CountryDrill from the dropdown in the Category Axis option instead of country.

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  1. Publish and Preview:

    • Click on the Publish button.
    • Switch to preview mode.
  2. Dynamic Data View: Click on any bar in the chart to view dynamic data for that country. dashboard -icon 1

  3. View Stages: All stages will appear in the top-left corner of the chart. dashboard -icon 1