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Circular Gauge Chart

Create Gauge Chart:

This video contains how to create create circular gauge chart in dashboard in AIV.


A Circular Gauge Chart represents data using a radial axis that can span from 0 to 360 degrees, with a pointer indicating the value on the scale. This type of chart is useful for comparing values between a small number of variables by using needles on the gauge.

Use Case: Creating a Circular Gauge Chart

  1. Select the Chart Widget: From the left vertical menu, select the Chart widget icon. Under “Other Charts,” choose the Circular Gauge Chart, as shown in the image below:

    Select Circular Gauge Chart

  2. Enter Chart Details: In the edit menu of the chart, enter the following details:

    • Dataset: Sales.ds
    • Target: quantityOrdered
    • Aggregation: Sum
    • Actual Value: extendedPrice
    • Aggregation: Max
  3. Save and Preview: Click on the “Preview & Save” and then “Exit” button. Your screen should look like the following:

    Chart Details

  4. Preview the Chart: Click on the Preview icon located at the top right corner of the dashboard, as shown below:

    Preview Icon

  5. Final View: The user’s screen should now look similar to the image below:

    Final Circular Gauge Chart

By following these steps, you will successfully create and display a Circular Gauge Chart in your AIV dashboard.
