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Heat Map Chart

This video contains how to create heatmap chart in AIV.

How to Create a Heatmap Chart in AIV

A Heatmap Chart is a graphical representation of two-dimensional data where values are depicted with color variations, either gradient or solid. The data points are rendered as Heatmap cells using Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) or canvas UI rendering. This type of chart is useful for representing data against two categories simultaneously.

In this document, we will create a Heatmap Chart widget under “Other Charts.” Heatmaps allow for the visualization of data in a way that shows relationships between two categories, such as sales values against both country and product line.

Follow the steps below to create a Heatmap Chart:

  1. Select the Heatmap Chart: From the left vertical menu, select the Chart widget. Click on the Heatmap icon under “Other Chart.” An edit menu box will appear, and a widget will be automatically added to the dashboard canvas.

  2. Enter Chart Details: In the chart controls, enter the following details:

    • Dataset: sales.ds
    • Category Axis: country
    • Y Axis: productLine
    • Value Column: quantityordered
    • Aggregation: sum
  3. Fill in the Edit Box: Enter the above details in the edit box, as shown in the figure below:

    Heatmap Chart Details

  4. Publish the Chart: Click on the “Publish” button.

  5. Verify the Chart: Compare your Heatmap Chart with the example below to ensure it matches the expected appearance:

    Heatmap Chart Example

By following these steps, you will successfully create and display a Heatmap Chart in your AIV dashboard.

In order to understand in detail about other features, click on the following links
