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Create OHLC Chart

Create OHLC Chart:

This video contains how to create OHLC Chart in AIV.

Here are the steps to create an OHLC chart in the AIV application.

  1. From the left vertical menu, select the OHLC Chart widget icon under “Other Chart.”

  2. When you click on the chart icon, the edit menu box will appear, and a widget will be automatically added to the content area of the dashboard. dashboard -icon 1

  3. Enter the following details in the chart controls:

    • Datasets: BajajAuto.ds
    • Category Axis: Date
    • Open Value: Open
    • Close Value: Close
    • Low Value: Low
    • High Value: High
  4. Fill in the above details in the edit box as shown in the figure below: dashboard -icon 1

  5. Click on the “Publish” button.

  6. Compare your OHLC chart with the example below to ensure it matches the expected appearance: dashboard -icon 1

By following these steps, you will successfully create and display an OHLC chart in your dashboard.

dashboard -icon 1

dashboard -icon 1
