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Pie Chart Fomatting

The Formatting Properties allow you to control and customize the appearance of information in a pie or donut chart through the categories of General, Series, and Legend properties.

To access the formatting properties, Click on the Formatting tab on the pie/donut chart. Chart Widget

Formatting Properties:

This video contains how to use formatting properties of pie-donut chart in AIV.

General Properties:-

  • The General settings used to add Color and Theme changes as user required, Chart title, Chart information tooltip, Export settings are used to control by the general.
  • The Bottom menu contains buttons of Previous, Next, Preview, Cancel and Save and Exit.
  • Previous and Next used to go from next tab to previous tab in edit menu box.
  • Preview is one of the most important features of AIV, as user make any changes and to see the reflection of setting o chart user have to click on preview button.
  • Cancel used to close the edit box, the settings you apply will be stay saved on widget but by clicking on the cancel button, the edit box will be closed.
  • Save and Exit it used to save the settings and Exit from the Edit menu box.

Chart Widget

Series Properties:-

Series Properties are used to apply the pie chart series settings like slice appearance, tick’s appearance, labels, grouping of series, customized tooltips, dynamic labels. Chart Widget

Legend Properties:-

Legends’s properties are used to add legends to the pie chart and apply user required appearance settings to legends. The Legends properties contains legend alignment, Inherit from series, Font properties, legend background, legend markers. Chart Widget

Chart Appearance
Chart Title
Chart Tooltip
Color and Theme Property
Dynamic Dataset Color
Export Filename
Global Thousand and Decimal Separator
Include Null Value