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Edit Spreadsheet


Using Spreadsheet users can Analyze and Play with the data of the dataset and also can import external excel files into this widget. You can edit the contents of a cell directly in the cell or by typing in the formula bar. By default, the editing feature is enabled in the spreadsheet.

For Edit the Spreadsheet follows the steps below

  1. From the widget library, select the spreadsheet widget to add to the dashboard. You will see the widget properties window.

  2. Select the dataset you want to view and analyze, To demonstrate, we are using Customers.ds dataset.

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  1. Now if you want to make any data edit from spreadsheet you need to remove the protection from the spreadsheet, to remove that protection uncheck the Allow Protection checkbox from edit menu as shown in the figure below:

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  1. The spreadsheet doesn’t allow user to edit data, user need to make enable the allow edit on spreadsheet, to make it Enable user need to click on the checkbox named as Allow Editing from the spreadsheet as shown in the figure below:

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  1. Then click on Publish button and validate the data in spreadsheet widget.

  2. Resize the widget to view it properly.

  3. To edit the spreadsheet double click a cell which you want to edit, here we are editing the CUSTOMERNUMBER column name to customer number, as shown in the figure below:

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Editing Spreadsheet using Formula

You can create a simple formula to add, subtract, multiply or divide values in your spreadsheet. Simple formulas always start with an equal sign (=), followed by constants that are numeric values and calculation operators such as plus (+), minus (-), an asterisk(*), or forward-slash (/) signs.

  1. On the spreadsheet, click the cell in which you want to enter the formula, here we are selecting the sum formula for demonstration in SALESREPEMPLOYEENUMBER Column from cell L2 to L10 record.

  2. For that write the formulas =SUM(L2:L10) displays the sum of SALESREPEMPLOYEENUMBER column cell 2 to 10, as shown in the figure below:

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Insert or Delete Rows and Columns

  1. You can also insert or delete rows and columns in the Spreadsheet.

  2. Here we are inserting rows before the second number of rows.

  3. For that right-click on the second number of row and select the Insert Row >> Above, as shown in the figure below:

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  1. From the file option, Click on the File >> Save to save the spreadsheet.