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Preview - Edit Dashboard

By using this document user will know how to Preview & Edit Dashboard. Dashboard preview shows the view of the dashboard & Edit option allows the user to edit the dashboard.


To Preview & Edit Dashboard.


  • Used Sales.cds & Test Dashboard for this example.

  • Download file from link given

  • After downloading the zip file, Upload Sales.cds in Dataset section & Test Dashboard in Dashboard section of AIV.

  • Learn how to upload files into AIV click here.

Preview - Edit Dashboard:

This video contains how to preview or edit the dashboard in AIV.

Steps to Edit Dashboard

  1. Begin by accessing the Hamburger menu button from top-left corner of the screen, then select the Dashboard Section. dashboard -icon 1

  2. Utilize the Search box to locate the specific dashboard you wish to edit. For instance, let’s search for “Test Dashboard.” dashboard -icon 1

  3. Upon finding the desired dashboard, click on the Edit icon.

  4. This action will redirect you to the edit mode of the dashboard, enabling you to make necessary changes.

  5. Within the Edit mode, users can modify the existing dashboard and explore various options available in the left Vertical Menu. dashboard -icon 1

Steps to Preview Dashboard

There are two ways in which users can preview the dashboard.

(I) By clicking on Preview icon while in edit mode of the dashboard.
  1. Confirm Before Leave: After making the required changes, click on the Preview icon at the top right corner of the dashboard. Users will see one pop-up like below: dashboard -icon 1

  2. Click on SAVE AND EXIT button.

(II) By clicking on Open in new tab directly from the Hamburger menu.
  1. Go to Hamburger Menu> Dashboard Section.

  2. Search dashboard which you want to edit from the Search box. For this example: we will search Test Dashboard.

  3. Click on Open in new tab icon, as shown above, & it will redirect you to the preview window of Dashboard as shown below: dashboard -icon 1

Common features:

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