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Using Pivot Tables It will summarize all data in a given data set and will allow users to group columns and rows of data in unique ways. Once created, pivot tables can also “drill down” into specific data depending on what the user wants to do.


Create Adhoc Report using Pivot


Used Sales.cds for this example.

Download file from link given

After downloading the zip file, add the Sales.ds into the Dataset Section of AIV for this example. To add it into AIV follow this Link.

Adhoc Report - Pivot: This video contains information regarding How to Create Adhoc Report using Pivot in AIV.

Steps to Create Adhoc Report using Pivot

  1. Login to AIV using your credentials.

  2. Go to Hamburger icon > Documents > Adhoc Report

Adhoc report edit

Adhoc report edit

  1. There are two ways in which a user can Create Adhoc Report.

I. Clicking on Adhoc Report located at the bottom-most toolbar.

Adhoc report edit

II. By right-clicking the any existing user can also create Adhoc Report.

Adhoc report edit

  1. On clicking the Create Adhoc option, from one of the methods mentioned above user will see the window as below:


  2. Drag & Drop Pivot component to the empty area as shown below:


  3. As user perform the above step, window will look as per the image below:


  4. Now from the drop down list of Datasets select the Sales.ds as follows:-


  5. Add country to Rows, productLine to Columns & extendedPrice to Value by dragging it from Dataset Columns.


  6. CLick on Image icon right next to sum(extendedPrice) Value.

  7. One dialog box will open as shown below:


  8. User can make the changes if required & Click on SUBMIT button in order to Save it.

  9. Select LANDSCAPE VIEW from the Birt Template drop-down as shown.


  10. You can also specify the number of records you want to show on a page from the following widget near the template selector widget:-


  11. Adhoc Report - Pivot will run with HTML Format Type only.

  12. To run the Adhoc Report using Table Component, click on Run in the top most right corner as follows:-

  13. Click on RUN option, which will open the following dialog box:-


  14. As the table has no parameters, just click on SEND button & it will redirect you to another screen of the browser.

  15. The Adhoc Report using Table component will be generated in HTML.


  16. If you want to save your report you can click on the Save Image button at the topmost right corner below admin which will open the following dialog box:-


  17. You can give your own Name in the selected column, and select Save As a Report / Template.

  18. For this example; give Name: AisReport_pivot & Select Save As: Report and click on submit button to perform the save operation.

  19. If you want to change the settings of a widget click on Image below Run which will open the following dialog box:-


  20. Here you can change the Name, Width, Height, Visibility and Page Break of your table & click on Submit button to save the changes.

  21. Similarly press Image in order to delete the pivot widget.

The following graphical elements are available in Adhoc reports:

Adhoc Table
Adhoc Chart
Adhoc Image
Adhoc Annotation
Adhoc Text
Adhoc Pivot
Adhoc Pre-defined Components