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Introduction in Report Section

Reports serve as data visualizations, providing a comprehensive view of information gathered from diverse sources. Each report includes various visual elements such as charts, graphs, and maps. AIV reports can span one or multiple pages.

The Reports section acts as a central repository for all your reports, facilitating easy management. Users can upload, view, copy, share, delete, download, embed, and save reports as quick links.

Reports are a subsection within the Documents section of the AIV application. You can access the Reports section by clicking on Reports, which opens in the same window. Alternatively, you can open it in a new window by clicking on the new window icon next to the Reports tab.

In this session, we will explore the report scheduling functionality within the AIV platform. Report scheduling is a key feature of AIV, allowing users to schedule reports efficiently. Users can schedule their reports at various intervals, including hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly.

Users can utilize various file formats for their reports, such as RPT documents, Excel files (XLSX), HTML, PDF, PowerPoint presentations (PPTX), AIV-specific Excel files (AIV_XLSX), and QRUN files.

For sharing, users can distribute these reports using the built-in email function or share them within AIV with available users.

For a detailed step-by-step guide, please click here.

✒️ The primary purpose of the Reports section is to execute various functionalities associated with reports, including:

Create and Open Folder
Schedule Reports

✒️ To know more about advance feature of Report Section click on below links:-

Hide Grid in Report Export