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Docker AIV Installation

The documentation contains the steps to install AIV in Docker desktop. The tutorial contains command and example screens with it.


  • Objective of this document is to guide the user in the installation process of AIV in a Docker desktop.

Download and setup docker desktop

  1. Download Docker desktop from official docker website

  2. Download and install the Linux kernel update package

  3. Run docker desktop setup file, follow the instruction and install docker desktop

  4. After installation you will see home screen of docker as below image, usaurus Slash Introduction

Pull & Run ubuntu image in docker

  1. Open powershell window to command docker

  2. Pull ubuntu image in docker by executing below command from powershell window,

docker pull ubuntu

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  1. You can see image is installed in docker desktop screen as below image, usaurus Slash Introduction

  2. You can run this image by executing this command : docker run -it -p 7072:8080 ubuntu

  • here bind container’s TCP port 8080 to host’s port 7072 and ubuntu is name of image file we have downloaded usaurus Slash Introduction
  1. Now ubuntu image is running in docker usaurus Slash Introduction

Install AIV in docker container

  1. Create a new user aiv from root user usaurus Slash Introduction

  2. Switch to user we have just created by executing this command : su aiv. here aiv is user name. usaurus Slash Introduction

  3. Execute this command to create new directory in opt folder : mkdir opt/aiv

  1. After executing above command, again swtich to aiv user (Use this command : su aiv) and try to create directory in opt folder. this time it will work. usaurus Slash Introduction

  2. Go to opt directory to check folder created or not. use this command : cd opt to navigate on opt directory and execute ls to check files in opt folder.

  3. You will see aiv folder is created in opt folder. usaurus Slash Introduction

  4. Download latest linux installer from aiv website. Click here to download setup file

  5. Copy this file in to opt/aiv folder of docker instance. Open a new powershell window and use below command to do this,

docker cp "your_directory/" docker_container_id:/opt/aiv
  • In above command, provide aiv installer path from local directory and docker container ID in which we need to copy this file.
If you want to find docker container id, open new powershell window and execute this command : ```docker ps``` and it will give you the list of container image running in docker. copy the container url for ubuntu and use this in copy command.

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  1. Once command exeuted without any error, check in opt/aiv folder of aiv user. you will find setup file there.
  • Use ls command to see folder content usaurus Slash Introduction
  1. Execute this setup file using this command from opt/aiv folder: ./ setup will started. press enter to read license agreement. usaurus Slash Introduction

  2. Press y to accept license agreement and hit enter usaurus Slash Introduction

  3. In the next step, enter Y is this is new aiv installation and hit enter. in the next step type N and hit enter. at the end it will ask you to confirm selection, press Y and hit enter. usaurus Slash Introduction

  4. Provide installation directory and application name for installation. leave empty and hit enter in order to keep it default selection. usaurus Slash Introduction

  5. Select Y in the next step which ask to delete content in installation directory and hit enter

  6. Select option 2 and hit enter to install from local files. in the next step select install with postgres database and hit enter usaurus Slash Introduction

  7. In next step it will check connection with database and show result as connection sucessful in logs. Press enter and provide confirmation to continue with installation usaurus Slash Introduction

  8. Wait till installation finished. you will see setup has finished message once installation finishes. usaurus Slash Introduction

  9. Execute ls to check folder content usaurus Slash Introduction

  10. Start database server first, you will see file in aiv folder. execute this file with this command ./

If you find error like **pg_ctl: could not start server** then first run file first and then run **** file

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  1. Once database server is started, run file by this command : ./ usaurus Slash Introduction

  2. To know server started or not run this command : cat tomcat/logs/catalina.out and tomcat logs will be printed in console. usaurus Slash Introduction

  3. You will see Server startup in [-----] miliseconds at the end of the logs. this means tomcat server has started.

  4. Try to open AIV in browser, enter url localhost:7072/aiv in browser AIV login page will be displayed.

  • here 7072 is port number we have exposed in step no 8.
  1. Login with user name and password, by default user name : Admin and password: password you will be redirected to license page.