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Hide Column in Pipeline


The pipeline is a new type of dataset added to the AIV Application. Users can define the relationships between different datasets and tables through a user-friendly UI. With the Pipeline feature, no SQL knowledge is required to join tables and datasets available in AIV. Additionally, the Pipeline allows users to hide column names using the Hide Pipeline feature.


To hide a column in a Pipeline, you need working Datasets (JDBC) and a list of tables and views.


Learn how to hide a column in a Pipeline.

Download the file from the link given

Follow these steps to create a Reverse Join Pipeline in AIV:

  1. From Pipeline section, Expand tables from the left-side table view and drag and drop the OFFICE table to the diagram box on the right, selecting all columns from the Select Column dialog box. Click on the Submit button. The OFFICE table will appear in the diagram box. Drag and drop the CUSTOMERS table into the diagram box and select all columns from the Select Columns dialog box.

  2. Click on the “Submit” button to finalize the configuration. The OFFICES and CUSTOMERS tables in the diagram box will now appear as shown below:


  3. Drag the State column from CUSTOMERS to OFFICES. Then, click on the Eye icon Image in each table to hide the country column. This is illustrated below:


  4. Click “Submit” to save the Pipeline.

  5. To run the Pipeline in Adhoc Analysis, navigate to Documents > Adhoc Analysis from the Hamburger menu. Click on the ”+” icon to create a new Analysis:


  6. In the Analysis Selection dialog box that appears, enter the following details:

    • Dataset: Hide Pipeline (select the Pipeline you created)

    The two tables will load in the left-side box of the Pipeline view. Expand the OFFICES table to confirm:


  7. Check both tables, and you will see that the country column is not visible in either, as shown below:
