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Language Parameter


This document is all about how to use Language Parameter functionalities. In this document, you will learn about how to crate Pipeline using Language Parameter. In Language Parameter you can add language as per your requirements.


To create a Pipeline, you need working Datasets(JDBC) and a list of tables and views.


How to use Language Parameter in Pipeline.

Download file from the link given

Steps to Create a Language Parameter Pipeline in AIV:

From this document, you will learn how to create a pipeline containing user-required language parameters.

  1. Create Pipeline:

Click to Create Parameter

  1. Enter Pipeline Details:

    • Name: Language Alias
    • Source: aiv-mapping
    • Expand tables from the left side table view. Image
  2. Add Tables:

    • Drag and drop the CUSTOMER table from the table list box to the diagram box. Image
    • Select all columns and click on the Submit button. Image
  3. Add Language Column:

    • Drag and drop the OFFICE table from the table list.
    • Click on Add Language Column button. Image
    • Enter the name of the custom alias as Hindi and click on Add Language button. Image
    • The language column will be visible in the Customer dialog box as Alias_Hindi. Image
    • Add the custom name of the Alias Category Language (in Hindi by state and country). Image
    • Select all the columns of the Office table and click on the Save button. Image
  4. Connect Tables:

    • Drag the country column from CUSTOMER to OFFICE table field. Image
    • Enable the Add Language Parameter by clicking the checkbox. Image
    • Click on Submit to save the pipeline.
  5. Run in Adhoc Analysis:

    • Go to Documents > Adhoc Analysis section from the hamburger menu.
    • Click on the + icon to create a new Analysis. Image
    • Enter the following details in the Analysis section:
      • Dataset: Language Alias (select the Pipeline you created)
    • When you select the dataset, the Dataset Parameter pop-up will appear. Image
    • In Lang, write Hindi. Image
    • Click on submit.
  6. Configure and Save Analysis:

    • Expand the OFFICES table.
    • Drag and drop the STATE column from OFFICES to Rows.
    • Drag and drop the COUNTRY column from OFFICES to the Column box.
    • Drag and drop the CREDIT LIMIT column from Customers to the Values box (select sum in Type). Image
    • Click on the Preview button to see the output, then click on the Cancel button. Image
    • Click on the Save As icon to save the Analysis. Image
    • Enter the name of the Analysis (Lang Parameter Pipeline) and select the folder to save it. Image
    • Click on Save As button to save the Analysis.

More features of AIV are as follows:

Pipeline Inner Join
Pipeline Left Join
Pipeline Right Join