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The “Request” tab in AIV provides a centralized location to manage various notifications, messages, report requests, and approval requests within the system. Here’s an overview of the key functionalities available in the “Request” tab:

  • View All Notifications :

Users can access and review notifications related to system activities or interactions with AIV.

  • Messages :

This section likely contains messages exchanged within the AIV system, facilitating communication between users.

  • Report Requests :

Users can find and manage requests related to generating specific reports within AIV.

  • Approval Requests :

If there are approval workflows or processes in place, this section allows users to handle and respond to approval requests.

  • Alerts Subsection :

Users can create and manage alerts in this section. Alerts are configured to trigger based on specified conditions, providing proactive notifications.

  • Alert Reports Subsection :

This subsection is likely dedicated to viewing reports generated by the alerts. Users can access and analyze the output of scheduled alert reports. Overall, the “Request” tab serves as a command center for users to handle various types of requests, messages, and alerts within the AIV system, enhancing communication, collaboration, and the monitoring of important system activities.

Let’s go through the subsections available in the Request section one by one:

The Requests section contains the following subsections :

  • Notifications :

This subsection likely contains a chronological list of notifications related to system events, activities, or updates. Users can review these notifications to stay informed about changes in the system.

  • Messages :

In this subsection, users may find a messaging platform or interface that allows them to send and receive messages within the AIV system. This promotes communication and collaboration among users.

  • Report Requests :

Users can access and manage requests related to generating specific reports. This subsection may include a list of requested reports, their status, and options to approve or reject the requests.

  • Approval Requests :

If there are approval workflows in place, this subsection provides users with a centralized view of pending approval requests. Users can take action on these requests, such as approving or denying them.

  • Alerts :

In the “Alerts” subsection, users can configure and manage alert settings. This involves defining conditions that, when met, trigger alerts to notify users about specific events or data patterns.

  • Alert Reports :

The “Alert Reports” subsection likely allows users to view detailed reports generated by the configured alerts. Users can analyze these reports to gain insights into the triggered alert conditions. As the specific features and layout may vary based on the AIV system’s design, it’s recommended to refer to the AIV documentation or user interface for precise details on each subsection’s functionalities and options.

  • To get hands-on with ‘Notifications’, click here.

  • To get hands-on with ‘Request’, click here.

  • To get hands-on with ‘Alerts’, click here.

  • To get hands-on with ‘Alert Reports’, click here

To know more about advance feature of Request section click on below links:-