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This video demonstrates how to use approvals in AIV.

  • Approvals section shows the pending notifications shared with you for approval or rejection.

  • This type of notification comes into effect when approval is required to schedule certain reports, merge reports, or alert reports.

  • The Approval Notification work along with Request section of the Notifications in order to get approval for scheduling a specific document.

  • A detailed explanation for the approval notification process is outlined in the following steps:

  • Click on Image to see a list of all the requests that need in Approval. The following screen will appear:


Schedule a Report:

  • To understand how approvals work, we will schedule a group report that will prompt for approval from the Admin user. We will utilize ‘Customers.rptdesign’ and ‘customer.ds’ for this purpose.


  1. Navigate to the Group report section as depicted in the figure above. The default Schedule Type is ‘Time’; otherwise, select ‘Time’ from the dropdown menu for the schedule type.

  2. Choose Once in the Frequency.

  3. If you want your report to be approved before sending it to other users, check the Approval Required option. Send Reminder specifies how many reminders should be sent.

  4. The After Days field specifies how many days should pass before the reminder is sent again.

  5. The Approved By field specifies the username, which is Admin in our case.

  6. Hence, this report will run only after it has been approved by the Admin user.

  7. Now, a request for this report will be shown to the Admin user in the Approvals section of Notifications.

Approve Report:

  1. In order to approve the report, login with the credentials of Admin user and go to the Notifications section.

  2. In a similar manner, if the user wants to reject the request, they can click on Image or select Image from the bottommost toolbar, which will open the following dialog box:

  3. Following dialog box will be shown as a result of these actions.


  4. Click on Image button to approve the request.

  5. In case of any further help, the user can click on the Image icon to access the AIV help documents.

  6. If the user is not satisfied and wants to cancel the upload request, he can do this by clicking on the cancel button next to upload or by clicking on Image button next to the Image icon.

  7. The Approved alert appear on top of the section as the user approves the message.


Reject Report:

  1. In the similar manner, if Admin wants to reject the request he can click on Image or by select Image from the bottommost toolbar which will open following dialog box: .


  2. Click on Image to reject the request.

  3. The Reject alert appear on top of the section as the user rejects the message.


Preview Request:

  1. Click on Image to view the request.

Send Message:

  1. Click on Image to send messages to request users which will open a dialog box as follows:


  2. You can also format your messages, add links, function to your message from the comment box.

  3. To send the comment, click on the send button from the dialogbox. then the success alert appear on the top of the screen.


Delete Request:

  1. Finally, if you want to delete a request, select it and click on Image delete.

  2. In this manner, user can delete requests in the AIV application.