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Create Folder

Create & Open Folder: This tutorial demonstrates how to create and open folders in AIV.

The Create folder is applicable to the follwing sections: Dashboard, Document(Report, Adhoc report, Adhoc analysis, Shared resources), Masterdata(dataset).

Creating a Folder

  1. There are two methods to create a new folder in the AIVHUB application:

(A) Quick Toolbar Method:

  • Click on the create icon Image located next to the upload icon at the bottom toolbar.


(B) Convenient Context Menu:

  • B. Right-click on any existing file or folder on the dataset page:


Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Upon clicking “create folder,” a popup window will appear:


  2. If further assistance is required, users can click on the Image icon to access AIVHUB help documents.

  3. Enter the desired folder name in the text area and click on “create folder.”

  4. For instance, let’s name the folder new dataset and click on the “Create folder” button.

  5. The created folder new dataset will be visible in the List View of the Dataset Section:


  6. If the user wishes to cancel the create request, they can do so by clicking on the cancel button next to upload or by clicking on Image button next to the Image icon.

Opening a Folder

  1. Users can open a folder by double-clicking on the desired folder.
  • Following these steps, you can successfully create and open folders in the dataset section of the AIVHUB application.
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