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Optional Y Series Grouping

Optional Y Series Grouping: This video contains how to use optional y series grouping in AIV.

This document contains information of how to use optional Y series Grouping in X-Y charts. List of chart in which this setting is used is Column, Bar, Line and Area chart.

Use Case: This feature is useful when we want to visualize chart data by some group values for example year, month or something else.

Please follow these steps to learn how to use Optional Y series grouping;

  1. The Edit menu box appears when you click on the chart icon, as shown in the image below. Image

  2. Enter the following details in the edit menu of the chart:

    • Dataset: Sales.ds
    • Category Axis: country
    • Optional Y Series Grouping: year
    • Value Column: quantityOrdered
    • Aggregation: Sum


  1. Click on the Publish button.

  2. Your widget will resemble the image below, with the years grouped. Image

  3. Now, you can see that the entire chart is grouped by year. There are three columns for each country, indicating that the dataset contains values for three years.

  4. To view which bar represents which year, edit the chart. Go to the formatting tab, then to the legend option, and enable the legend from the legend property list, as shown in the image below: Image

  5. Once you enable the legend in the chart, you will see it added to the top left side of the chart widget. Now, you can identify the year column with the colors of the legend added. Image