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Create Table Widget

Create Table: This video contains how to create a table widget in AIV.

To create a new dashboard follow the steps below:

  1. Click on hamburger icon. dashboard -icon 1

  2. Click on the plus(+) icon in the Dashboard tab. dashboard -icon 1

  3. The create dashboard dialog box will pop up on screen. Enter dashboard name as shown in figure. dash box

  4. Click on create after entering dashboard name in dialog box.

  5. You will see an empty dashboard, as shown in figure below dash box

Here’s the enhanced version of the document with improved clarity and additional details:

Steps to Utilize the Table Widget

  1. Open the Table Widget: From the Left Vertical Menu, click on the table widget icon. This will open the edit menu box.

  2. Add the Widget: As soon as you click on the table widget icon, a widget will automatically be added to the content area of your dashboard.

  3. Configure the Table Widget: In the table edit properties, enter the following details:

    • Datasets: sales1.ds
    • New Grid Checkbox: Ensure this is checked to activate the new grid layout.
    • Header Height: Set to 25 for uniformity.
    • Row Height: Set to 25 to maintain consistency in the row appearance.
  4. Input the Configuration: Input the above details into the edit box, following the format shown in the figure below: dash box

  5. Publish the Widget: After configuring the widget, click on the Publish button to see the results displayed on the dashboard.

  1. Verify the Widget: Compare your Table widget setup with the example shown below to ensure it matches the expected output: dash box

Advance Tab Table Widget
Formatting Table Widget
Table Widget Themes
Event Table Widget
Table Widget Annotation
Table Widget Setting

✒️ To know more about advance feature of Table Widget click on below links:-

Custom Column Table Hyperlink
Custom Column Table Widget Icon
Custom Column MicroChart
Custom Column Table Widget
Skip Widget Event Filtering