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Formatting Tab Table Widget

The Formatting tab provides tools to enhance the presentation of numerical data within your table. Users can utilize various formatting options, such as abbreviations, numeric symbols, specifying decimal places, adding prefixes or suffixes to values, introducing thousand separators, and displaying percentages.


A table widget containing numeric data is required to use these features.

Formatting Table: This video demonstrates how users can format and apply any desired changes to a table in AIV.

Steps to Apply Formatting to the Table Widget

  1. Open the table you want to format and click on the Format tab from the edit menu. formattingtabtable

  2. In the Format tab, locate the Value Formatter menu and click on it. A list of options will appear. formattingtabtable

  3. Choose a property from the list by clicking on it. The formatting controls will appear below the menu. formattingtabtable

  4. Here’s what each control does:

    • Decimal Places: Specify the number of decimal points to display.
    • Before Symbol: Add a symbol before the values, like $ for dollars.
    • After Symbol: Add a symbol after the values, like USD for US dollars.
    • Locale: Automatically adjusts number format based on country preferences.
    • 1000s Separator: Check this box to separate thousands with commas.
    • Percent Checkbox: Check this box to display values as percentages. formattingtabtable
  5. Set your preferences for each control according to your needs.

Miscellaneous properties in data analytics include additional data attributes that extend beyond predefined categories:

  • Pagination: Enable pagination to navigate through large data sets. formattingtabtable

  • Sub Group Total: Show or hide sub-totals in rows and columns. formattingtabtable

  • Group Total: Display grand totals for your data. formattingtabtable

  • Text Wrap: Automatically break text into multiple lines within cells to fit the cell width. formattingtabtable

  • Conditional Formatting Export: Retain visual cues like color changes when exporting data. formattingtabtable

  • Select from Header/Content: This feature is still under development. formattingtabtable

Create Table
Advance Tab
Table Widget Themes
Event Table Widget
Table Widget Annotation
Table Widget Setting

✒️ To know more about advance feature of Table Widget click on below links:-

Custom Column Table Hyperlink
Custom Column Table Widget Icon
Custom Column MicroChart
Custom Column Table Widget
Skip Widget Event Filtering