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General Tab Terminology


This window will appear when the user clicks on the “Create Dataset” button.

Click here to learn more about the two methods for creating a dataset.

Overview of key terms and their uses when creating a dataset.


Demo Dataset (users can choose a name according to their requirements)


Various options are available in the drop-down menu, such as JDBC, NoSQL, Flat Files, Google Big Query, Existing Files, Join, Union, Custom, External Services, and Empty Dataset.

JDBC is selected by default. Users can choose any of these sources as needed to create a dataset.

Client Script

Client scripts allow the system to execute code in the client’s web browser when certain events occur, such as when a form loads, after form submission, or when a field value changes. Well-designed client scripts can reduce form completion time and improve user experience.

Server Script

Server-side scripts are used to generate customized responses for each user’s request to the website.


Parameters are numbers/text that summarize data for an entire table. There are three ways to create a dataset:

(I) Directly from the hamburger menu:

Go to MasterData > Parameter section.

Click here to learn more about creating parameters directly from the menu.

(II) While creating a dataset, users can also create parameters. Click here to learn more about creating parameters while creating a dataset.

(III) Users can also create parameters by writing a query in the Query window. Click here to learn more about creating parameters by writing a query in the Query window of the dataset.

Query Window

In this blank Query window, users can write queries as required.

Detail & Parameter Button

Follow this procedure to create a dataset. (Note: Follow the steps up to No. 20 for this example.)

In the Detail Tab, users will see the tables and views related to the selected datasource. In the Parameter Tab, users can see the details of created parameters.



Users can select the created Source or any Source as per their requirement.

Detail Tab

In the Detail Tab, users will see the tables and views related to the selected datasource. This will be displayed when the user selects the Details Tab.

Stored Procedure

Users can store data at a location and call it directly from the Query window.