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Edit annotation

To Edit Annotations, follow these steps: (Only the users with Annotations privilege have access to this section).

To Edit Annotations select the desire Group or Item Key. Click on Image button from the list of top left corner icons. This will open the following dialog box:-


The following fields will be displayed:-(Except key every field will be filled by default)

Group Name:-Name of the annotations group for whixh you want to generate new item.

Key:-The Item key for the item that you are creating (required field)

Start Date:- Start date for your Annotation group

End Date- End date for your Annotation group)

Visiblity type:- Visibility is used to mention who all can view the generated item and is of three types i.e. Private, Public or Internal (selecting Private will restrict the visibility to the file owner only, Internal will make the file available to the Internal users only, and selecting Public will extend file visibility to the end users as well.)

Short Description- Helpful for user to know more about the group

Description:- Detail description which will be sent to the consumers like a text.

Update the fields you would like to make changes to.

In case of any further help, the user can click on the Image icon to access the AIVHUB help documents.

If the user is not satisfied and wants to cancel the edit request, he can do this by clicking on the cancel button next to submit or by clicking on Image button next to the Image icon.

Finally, click on Image button to generate a new Item.

In this manner, you can edit an Annotation group in the AIV application.

More features of AIV as follows:

Create Annotation
Create group
Create item

Copy Annotation
Rename Annotation
Delete Annotation