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Rename annotation

Renaming the Annotations group/item Annotations section:-

In case of any further help, the user can click on the Image icon to access the AIVHUB help documents.

Rename Annotation allows you to change the name of any existing Annotation Group or Item.

To rename Annotations, follow these steps:-

To Rename Annotations select the desire Group or Item Key.

Click on Image button from the list of top left corner icons.

This will open the following dialog box:-


The following fields will be displayed:-(Except key every field will be filled by default)

Update name as desired.

Finally, click on Image button to rename the selected Annotation Group or Item..

In case of any further help, the user can click on the Image icon to access the AIVHUB help documents. If the user is not satisfied and wants to cancel the rename request, he can do this by clicking on the cancel button next to submit or by clicking on Image button next to the Image icon.

In this manner, you can rename an Annotation group/item in the AIV application.

More features of AIV as follows:

Create Annotation
Create group
Create item
Edit Annotation
Copy Annotation

Delete Annotation